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4th Grade

Fourth grade ROCKS!

As fourth grade students, the oldest children in the school, the academic and social expectations are greater than in previous years.  With these higher expectations come privileges and rewards that are equally as great. In an effort to prepare fourth graders for middle school, students will learn to transition among classes and learn to manage the expectations of different teachers, by switching for math.  Another exciting opportunity for fourth grade students is the privilege of joining band and/or chorus.  By the end of the year, students will have the social, academic, and artistic skills to be successful middle school students.

Sarah Corey

Sarah Corey
Titles: 4th Grade Teacher
Departments: 4th Grade

Caitlin Meehan

Caitlin Meehan
Titles: 4th Grade Teacher
Departments: 4th Grade

Cynthia O'Brien

Cynthia O'Brien
Titles: 4th Grade Teacher
Departments: 4th Grade