Extended Day
Before and After School Care
The goal of the North Middlesex Extended Day Program is to provide an invaluable service to working parents of children in the North Middlesex Regional School District. The early start (K-4) and after school (K-6) sessions provide a safe and harmonious environment in which your child can make age-appropriate choices that lead to sound social, emotional, and physical development.
Our program is located in three buildings (provided numbers warrant it) for students entering Kindergarten through Grade 6: Varnum Brook, Spaulding, and Ashby. Elementary students will use their own buildings both before and after school. For the afternoon session, (Grade 5-6) students from Nissittissit will be bussed to Varnum Brook and students from Hawthorne Brook will be bussed to either Spaulding or Ashby.
Children must be potty-trained before attending our program. We do not have changing facilities.
The Extended Day Program is a self-supporting program that is funded solely by parent tuition and donations. The program receives no money from the regular school budget.
Please email agapp@nmrsd.org by 2:00 p.m. if your child is going to be absent. Identify yourself, give your child’s name & school and state the reason why your child will not be at Extended Day. Do not call the Extended Day site to report absences.
Director of Extended Day Services: Anne Cromwell-Gapp (agapp@nmrsd.org)
Administrative Assistant: Roxanne Webb (rwebb@nmrsd.org)
Office Hours: 8:15 am-4:15 pm
Site Supervisors
Varnum Brook: Megan Balcher (mbalcher@nmrsd.org)
Spaulding Memorial: Toby O'Brien (tobrien@nmrsd.org)
Ashby: Barbara Falconer-Iovino (bfalconeriovino@nmrsd.org)