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Community Organizations

Spaulding Memorial School PTO

It is our vision at Spaulding Memorial School to work together effectively as a whole, with families, staff and the community, to provide events and activities that stimulate interest and fun.  Moreover, to provide a fundraising vehicle for special purchases that benefit the students.

Spaulding Memorial School PTO

Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)

NMRSD SEPAC stands for North Middlesex Regional School District Special Education Parent Advisory Council. Our group is comprised of parents, guardians, therapists, teachers, school administrators, and other individuals who are invested in maximizing the potential of all students affected by learning difficulties and differences. Chapter 766 of Massachusetts state law requires that each school district in the Commonwealth facilitate the organization of a SEPAC.

Townsend Recreation

Townsend Recreation is dedicated to bringing the residents of Townsend MA AND our surrounding communities: activities, events and programs that add fun and value to their lives. The Recreation Commission shall be responsible for the development, operation, scheduling and coordination of recreation programs for the Town of Townsend MA. The Commission shall have the powers and duties as may be provided by the laws of the Commonwealth, the Charter, By-Law or other Town Meeting vote.

Townsend Recreation

Townsend-Ashby Youth Soccer Association (TAYSA)

Townsend-Ashby Youth Soccer Association (TAYSA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that offers recreational and competitive soccer programs in the fall and spring for Townsend and Ashby youth ages 2.5 - 14 years (grade 8), and Townsend, Ashby and Pepperell high school and post grad boys (spring only). 

For more information: 
