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Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration

Welcome to all our new North Middlesex families and students!  We are happy to have your soon-to-be kindergarteners joining our district. 

Children residing in Ashby, Pepperell, or Townsend who will be 5 years old as of August 31st, 2024, are eligible to attend kindergarten in the fall.  Ashby students will attend Ashby Elementary School, Pepperell students will attend Varnum Brook Elementary School, and Townsend students will attend Spaulding Memorial School.  Registration for all three towns is online with directions at  

Prekindergarten students at the Squannacook Early Childhood Center who will be entering Kindergarten, are already registered in the district so a new registration is not needed.   Simply inform the Squannacook Early Childhood Secretary of your intention for your student to move to Kindergarten and attend the Parent Information Nights at the applicable school.  A student information update should also be completed before September.

Making the Transition to Kindergarten

Parent Information Nights

Parent information nights are scheduled in early March at individual elementary schools.  Specific dates and times will be posted once they are available.